
The following are a list of Resources you may want to investigate.  Just click on the Image to go to that website.

Think About Heaven


Bible View Points


Etc Etc



Why you might like:

  • It is the New International Version of the bible.  A best selling, modern English translation.
  • From the preface: “The first concern of the translators has continued to be the accuracy of the translation and its faithfulness to the intended meaning of the biblical writers”.
  • Interesting Questions and Answers regards the related scripture on every page.
  • Each book of the bible has Introductory Notes.
  • Available @ Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, and many Christian Bookstores.





Why you might like:

Why Should I Trust Jesus When There Are So Many Other Spiritual  Paths?

Why Should I Trust Jesus When I’m Not Sure That A Supernatural God Is Real?

Why Should I Trust Jesus When I Have Been Let Down So Many Times?

A total of 9 chapters with great questions and answers.

This is a well written book which takes “an honest look” at serious questions most of us face during our journey through life.

Available @ Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, and many Christian Bookstores.



Why you might like:

This trilogy of books answer the following questions:

  1. Is the Bible true … Really?
  2. Who is Jesus … Really?
  3. Did the Resurrection happen … Really?

The “historical evidence” is presented in a novel format and examines the life of a young college student who is encouraged to question all he has learned about Christianity.

Each book can be read in an hour or two.  This short trilogy will give you information which is historically reliable, and yet, at the same time, is an enjoyable read.

Available @ Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, and many Christian Bookstores.