Tempted in the Desert

Background: Before beginning His earthly ministry, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to go into the desert for a time of fasting and prayer.  While He was in the desert, the devil came with the idea of taking Him away from the mission His Father had prepared for Him.

Read Matthew 4: 1-2

What was Jesus experiencing?  

Why do people go without eating (i.e. fasting)?  

Comment: In this case, Jesus was fasting as a means of connecting in a deeper way with His heavenly Father.  Jesus wanted to have a special time of prayer as He readied Himself for His ministry.

When we fast, it often will make our time of prayer better.  Why?

Read Matthew 4: 3-4

How did the tempter (the devil) tempt Jesus in verses 3 and 4?

What did Jesus respond?  

Comment: Jesus responded by quoting from the word of God.  He used a verse we find in the Hebrew scriptures:  See Deuteronomy 8:3

He humbled you, and allowed you to be hungry,
 and fed you with manna, which you didn’t know,
 neither did your fathers know;  that he might teach you
 that man does not live by bread only,
 but man lives by every word
 that proceeds out of the LORD’s mouth.

Deuteronomy 8:3

How can we be fed by the word of God?  

How can we be fed “more” by the word of God ?

Read Matthew 4: 5 – 6

What does the devil suggest to Jesus? 

What does the devil tell Jesus will happen? 

Comment:  The devil is using “deception” to assert God would ask Jesus or anyone to do such a foolish act.  In scripture the devil is called the “father of lies”.  (John 8:44)

Jesus replies in verse 7:

“Again, it is written,
‘You shall not test the Lord, your God.’”

What did Jesus answer? 

Once again Jesus used a word of God from the Old Testament.   Jesus said it is improper to test God.  See Exodus 17:2 in the Old Testament.

So the people contended with Moses, and they said,
“Give us water to drink!”
 Moses said to them, “Why do you contend with me?
Why do you test the LORD?”

(Exodus 17:2 NET)

Comment: In the Hebrew scriptures, there were many times when the people tested God.  It is not good for us to test God.  The point:  If God hasn’t asked you to do something, don’t do something reckless just to see if God rescues you.

Read Matthew 4: 8 – 9

How did he try to bribe Jesus?  What did he offer?   

What did the devil want Jesus to do?   

Read Matthew 4: 10

Where did Jesus tell Satan to go?         

Then Jesus told Satan who people should rightfully worship!

Who does Jesus say it right to worship?  

Comment:  The devil never mentioned “serve”.     But Jesus knew that whom you worship, you also serve.

Several times in the Old Testament, this idea of serving false gods is mentioned.  The following is one such passage Jesus may have been referencing in His reply:

Samuel said to all the people of Israel, “If you are really turning to the LORD with all your hearts, remove from among you the foreign gods and the images of Ashtoreth. Give your hearts to the LORD and serve only him. Then he will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.”
    (1 Samuel 7:3 NET)

It is not unusual for us that “things” get in the way of our relationship with God.  How might some “things” be getting in your way of worshiping God?   

Read Matthew 4: 11

What then happened to Jesus?  

Comment:  Angels came and took care of Him (i.e. they ministered to Him).  They probably brought Him food and something to drink as His time for fasting was complete.

What happened to the devil?   

Comment:  He left and went looking for others to tempt and to deceive.

Comment  As Jesus prayed and fasted and meditated on the word of God, the Holy Spirit revealed the devil was using scripture taken out of context.

If you have the Quest Study Bible

On or about page 1415, on the bottom of the page, read:

Does the Spirit lead us into temptation?

An Extra Reading

There is one area where God encouraged the Israelites to test Him.
See Malachi 3:10

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